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20. A. could B. will C. do D. can 1-5ABBAD 6-10CABAB 11-15ADCAB 16-20DCBDB 1. A。
/ 2. B。
3. B。
4. A。
5. D。
/ 6. C。
/ 7. A。
8. B。
/ 9. A。
10. B。
11. A。
12. D。
根据语境可知,应选 happen to be(碰巧)。
13. C。
14. A。
Why don't you do sth? 为表示建议的固定句型,意为“为何不…?”15. B。
16. D。
“十分正确”常表达为quite right,而副词very, too一般不可修饰right。
all right用作表语时,意为“身体好”,不符句意。
17. C。
18. B。
/ 19. D。
/ 20. B。
展开全部 一、加拿大留学出发前物品准备1.生活必需品购买,因个人或家庭需要而定,以下是我们的建议:衣服。
乘客还可以随身携带一件标准行李上机,该行李重量应少于10公斤,规格为23 cm x 40 cm x 55 cm厘米。
三.过关注意事项(移民和留学)1. 入境注意事项首先要注意入境签证的有效期:第一次入境加拿大日期必须在签证的有效期之内。
通关注意事项: 新移民的所有个人物品免进口税。
如果你有个人物品这次没有带,打算在未来一年之内带进来,应在此时申报,叫做"goods to follow"即"后达物品"。
2. 入境所需填写表格(移民和留学)海关申报卡 Customs Declaration (适用所有前往加的旅客) 在飞机到达加拿大之前,机上的乘务员会发给您一张加拿大的海关申报表(CUTSTOMS DECLARATION),表格上有详细英语和法语的填写说明。
?? 留学生当轮到您时,把护照(含签证)和海关信、学校录取通知书交给移民官。
移民官核对证件后,有时会问到下列问题:1) 来自哪里(国家、城市)?2) 来加拿大的目的?3) 将就读的学校的名称?什么专业?4) 计划读多长时间?5) 学校的地址?6) 在加拿大的住址?7) 本次携带入境的加币数额?8) 完成加拿大的学业后会不会留在加拿大工作?为什么要来这里学习? 4. 过关流程到达加拿大机场之后,所有乘客都需排队办理入境手续。
A. 走一个较长的通道,注意看指示牌,朝着Canada Custom的方向走(其实看着枫叶标志走就行,或者跟着人群走);B. 过Canada Custom时要出示护照,还有在飞机上填的报关单;C. 海关官员会询问一些问题,比如你带了多少钱,一般就说个3、4千就没问题;或者问你有没有带动物、植物、肉类入境;如需要,有时海关官员会打开行李检查;D. 如没问题,海关官员将报关单还给你(请保留好报关单,出机场时还有用);E. ...
2010年世界博览会(Expo 2010)是一个筹备中的世界博览会,计划于2010年在中国上海市举行,也是历来首次由中国举办的世界博览会.博览会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”(Better City, Better Life).主办机构预计吸引世界各地7000万人次参观者前往,总投资达300亿人民币,是世界博览会史上最大规模. 【2010年上海世博会会徽】 会徽是集中反映理念的视觉符号.上上海世博会会徽海世博会会徽是通过全球征集、专家评审而产生的. 会徽图案形似汉字“世”,并与数字“2010”巧妙组合,相得益彰,表达了中国人民举办一届属于世界的、多元文化融合的博览盛会的强烈愿望. 会徽图案从形象上看犹如一个三口之家相拥而乐,表现了家庭的和睦.在广义上又可代表包含了“你、我、他”的全人类,表达了世博会“理解、沟通、欢聚、合作”的理念. 会徽以绿色为主色调,富有生命活力,增添了向上、升腾、明快的动感和意蕴,抒发了中国人民面向未来,追求可持续发展的创造激情. [编辑本段]【2010上海世博会吉祥物】 2007年12月18日晚8点,上海世博会吉祥物——海宝万众嘱目的2010年上海世博会吉祥物“海宝(HAIBAO)”终于掀开了神秘面纱,蓝色“人”字的可爱造形让所有人耳目一新. ◆主体形象 海宝以汉字的“人”作为核心创意,既反映了中国文化的特色,又呼应了上海世博会会徽的设计理念.在国际大型活动吉祥物设计中率先使用文字作为吉祥物设计的创意,是一次创新,“海宝”从头到脚都充满了涵义. 头发:象翻卷的海浪,显得活泼有个性,点明了吉祥物出生地的区域特征和生命来源. 脸部:卡通化的简约表情,友好而充满自信. 眼睛:大大、圆圆的眼睛,对未来城市充满期待. 蓝色:充满包容性、想象力,象征充满发展希望和潜力的中国. 身体:圆润的身体,展示着和谐生活的美好感受,可爱而俏皮. 拳头:翘起拇指,是对全世界朋友的赞许和欢迎. 大脚:稳固地站立在地面上,成为热情张开的双臂的有力支撑,预示中国有能力、有决心办好世博会. ◆名字由来◆ 中国2010年上海世博会吉祥物的名字叫“海宝”,意即“四海之宝”.“海宝”的名字朗朗上口,也和他身体的色彩呼应,符合中国民俗的吉祥称谓原则.“海宝”的名字与吉祥物的形象密不可分,寓意吉祥. 海宝是中国2010年上海世博会的形象大使,他正用热情的双臂、自信的微笑欢迎来自全球各地的朋友们. ◆主题体现◆ 吉祥物海宝的整体形象结构简洁、信息单纯、便于记忆、宜于传播.虽然只有一个,但通过动作演绎、服装变化,可以千变万化,形态各异,展现多种风采. “上善若水”,水是生命的源泉,吉祥物的主形态是水,他的颜色是海一样的蓝色,表明了中国融入世界、拥抱世界的崭新姿态. 海宝体现了“人”对城市多元文化融合的理想;体现了“人”对经济繁荣、环境可持续发展建设的赞颂;体现了“人”对城市科技创新、对发展的无限可能的期盼;也体现了“人”对城市社区重塑的心愿;他还体现着“人”心中城市与乡村共同繁荣的愿景.海宝是对五彩缤纷生活的向往,对五光十色的生命的祝福,也是中国上海对来自五湖四海朋友的热情邀约. [编辑本段]【世博会志愿者标志口号歌曲】 中国2010年上海世博会志愿者标志的主体由汉字“心”、英文字母“V”、嘴衔橄榄枝飞翔的和平鸽构成.与世博会会徽“世”异曲同工,在呈现中国文化个性的同时,表达了志愿者的用“心”和热“心”.“V”是英文“Volunteer”的首字母,阐述了标志所代表的群体,赋予其清晰的含义;飞翔的和平鸽代表上海,也象征和平友爱,橄榄枝则寓意可持续发展和希望,传承“城市,让生活更美好”的世博会主题.彩虹般的色彩,迎风飘舞的彩带,是上海热情的召唤.我们相信,2010年,在志愿者的努力下,来自世界各地的人将融洽地聚集在同一片天空下! 上海世博会志愿者主口号“世界在你眼前,我们在你身边”.殷一璀致辞对志愿者们提出要求:要成为“更美的城市”的建设者,“更好的生活”的创造者,“更深的情谊”的传播者.国际展览局秘书长洛塞泰斯专程发来贺信.仪式在陈奕迅演唱的上海世博会志愿者歌曲“在你身边”中精彩落幕. 2010 World Exposition (Expo 2010) is a preparation for the World Expo, which is scheduled for Shanghai in 2010, held in China, it is the first time by China's World Expo. Expo's theme is "City, Better Life" (Better City, Better Life). Organizers all over the world are expected to attract 70 million visitors to the passengers, with a total investment of 300 billion yuan is the largest World Expo history. 【2010 Shanghai World Expo emblem】 Reflect the concept of the emblem is a visual symbol. Shanghai World Expo emblem on the sea is the emblem of the Expo through the global collection, created by specialists in the field. The shape of the logo designs of Chinese characters "World" and with the number "2010" ingenious combination, complement each other, expressing the Chinese people belong to the world of hosting, multi-cultural integration of the strong desire of Expo event. The image ...
people mountain people sea皮袍 盲陈 皮袍 C I Feel it difficult to pass。
“我感到很难过”啊 飞鸥 恩车 得飞考车 吐 怕死Three heart two meaning!简单,'三心二意'!思维 哈车 吐 米宁Want money no have要 钱 没 有王车 马奶 图 海物 Want life have one要 命 有 一条王车 辣爱夫 海物 完
THE SOUND OF THE SEAby Henry LongfellowThe sea awoke at midnight from its sleep,And round the pebbly beaches far and wideI heard the first wave of the rising tideRush onward with uninterrupted sweep;A voice out of the silence of the deep,A sound mysteriously multipliedAs of a cataract from the mountain's side,Or roar of winds upon a wooded steep.So comes to us at times, from the unknownAnd inaccessible solitudes of being,The rushing of the sea-tides of the soul;And inspirations, that we deem our own,Are some divine foreshadowing and foreseeingOf things beyond our reason or control.亨利·朗费罗夜半时分大海从睡梦中苏醒,我在处处都是卵石的海滩上听见涨潮时的第一排大浪奔腾着向前涌来,一刻也不停;这是无声的大海发出的嗓音,这种声音被玄妙地放大加强,犹如山坡上泻下的飞瀑一样,像呼啸的风吹着陡处的山林。
庐山介绍英文版Situated in the southern part of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, Lushan Mountain is on the bank of Poyang Lake(1). It is one of China's famous mountains and covers an area of 300 square kilometers. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1996. The mountain is a well-known scenic area, summer resort and sanitaria. There are imposing and magnificent peaks, unique waterfalls, and historical sites as well as a changing sea of clouds and a warm and comfortable climate. Dahanyang Peak, the highest peak of the mountain, rises 1,474 meters above sea level. The main scenic spots on the mountain include the Peak of the Five Old Men, Three-Step Spring, Hanpo Pass, Lulin Lake, Great Tianchi Lake, Flowerpath, Ruqin Lake, Jingxiu Valley, Immortal's Cavern, Lesser Tianchi Lake, Donglin Temple. White Deer Cave Academy, Lushan Botanical Gardens and Lushan Museum. Guling Town, the center of the scenic area, is a unique city on the mountain. At an altitude of 1,167 meters, it is surrounded on three sides by mountains. To its north is Scissors Pass. A mountain highway leads to the various scenic spots from the city. The 1,211-meter-high Hanpo pass lies between the Peak of the Five Old Men and Jiuqi Peak. Poyang Lake is in the south of Hanpo Peak and its extensive surface is dotted with thousands of boats. Hanpo Pavilion is an ideal place to view the sunrise. To the east of Three-Step Spring is the Peak of the Five Old Men where a waterfall cascades from rock to rock in a total drop of 300 meters. West of Guling is the Flowerpath where the noted poet of the Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi, wrote poems expressing his admiration of the peach blossoms. Donglin Temple(2) on the northwest slope of the mountain is the birthplace of the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism. White Deer Cave(3) Academy is in a valley at the foot of the Peak of the Five Old Men and was one of the earliest institutes of higher learning in ancient China. The Greater and Lesser Tianchi Lakes are beautiful scenic spots on the mountain and contain water all the year round. The Greater Tianchi Lake is an ideal place to view a sunset and enjoy the Yangtze River while the Lesser Tianchi Lake is a good place to enjoy the beauty of the Poyang Lake. Trees surround Lushan Museum on the northern bank of Lulin Lake; it houses ancient Chinese bronzes, pottery from different historical periods, calligraphic works from Tang Dynasty and paintings from Ming and Qing dynasties. The Lushan Botanical Gardens are in a valley to the east of the Mountain. At an altitude of 1,000 to 1,300 meters, they are sub-highland botanical gardens and were founded in 1934. The gardens cover an area of three square kilometers, grow more than 3,400 kinds of plants and preserve 100,000 plant samples.
急求dana的 钻石 中文音译
s over ko jyeo bo ron ah peun ki ok sok ge no reul bo ron sa rang eulyi je ya al la bo ron na reul yong so hal soo it da myeonforever yeong won ha gi man neul ba rae wat so na eh no reul sa rang haena eh ke dol la wa jwo nae gen o jik ha na bboon nin gol*heuk si na ha neun na eh saeng gak ge doo ryeo oom mi ap so ne ge jon hwa reul haet soah ni ra saeng gak haet ton na eh neu kkim meun wan jon hi moo no jyeo boo so ji go mal lat sohan ddae neun sa rang op si sal soo it da go swip ge man saeng gak ha myeo sal lat soha ji man nae mo deun gol po gi han da myeon yeah~yi je neun na reul wi hae come back in my life**nal wi hae ddo na bo ron no eh ke ah swi oom mi nam ma no reul bol la bwa doah moo ron dae dap op neun no eh mo seub beun ha neul leh dae ri neun bit so ri eh nam mat sohan ddae neun op si do sal soo it da go swip ke man saeng gak ha myeo sal lat soyi je ya al la bo ron no eh sa rang eun yeah~dol la wa na reul wi hae come back in my live**i be calling rapin on another poetrythat i be givin all the lovin that you really needno man neul hyang han na man neh ma eum meu mo doo jon boo ga jyeo gacos my love for youi know my love for you will never diei wanna love you babygive it another better chance to make it reaulcos i feel that i wanna be symphatheticon je kka ji no man neul sa rang haesi gan neh kkeut teh kka ji yeong won hi na wa ham kke it so jwotake it back cos it's youna eh ke sol la wa him kkyeot oon na eh ke do yi sang ddo na ji neun mal layi mo deun sa rang eun mom cheul soon op so**--------------------------------------------------------------------------------03. Pretty..Diamond*it'
Your eyes中文歌词
我这样的人(your eyes)【圭贤】想要删掉一切 不足的我我这样的人 不会是你想要的【艺声】就连我那隐藏着爱你的心也对你从来都没有表现过【圭贤】一次, 回头看看我吧 在不远的地方我依然站在那里【艺声】还记得嘛 视你为全部的我 你还相信嘛到何时 我在可以留在你的身边【圭贤】宽广的世界 就只你一人(我只想要你【艺声】这样的我 你知道么在四季流逝 连时间都褪色之前 为了不再太过延迟 把这份心意传达给你 【圭贤】我犹豫不决 停滞不前 又伤害了你如果还留守在那里的话 请原谅傻瓜一样的我【艺声】再走近一些 我还站在那里【圭贤】还记得嘛 视你为全部的我 你还相信嘛【圭&;艺】 到何时 我在可以留在你的身边宽广的世界 就只你一人【圭贤】度过那些想哭泣的夜晚 在被遗忘的梦里那些犹豫不定的日子【艺声】不再彷徨 把你抱在怀里【圭贤】还记得嘛 视你为全部的我 你还相信嘛到何时 我在可以留在你的身边【艺声】宽广的世界 就只你一人(我只想要你)【圭贤】这样的我 你知道么
Wucaiche like a huge sapphire as being hidden in the forests, is Jiuzhaigou smallest and most colorful of the pond. Wucaiche with beautiful colorful, pure and transparent well-known in the world, gravel bottom edges and corners, rock surface texture clear, blue water Po green, crystal of translucent. Wucaiche is the essence of Jiuzhaigou lakes, pool grows in Spirogyra, Chara, small ferns and other aquatic plant communities, but also the growth of the reed, steadily grass, water, wick and other herbs. The aquatic communities of chlorophyll contained in the different shades, rich in calcium carbonate in the lake where able to show different colors. The same lakes, some blue waters, and some Bay, Inlet light green, and some water color purple-yellow, and some Nagareizumi blue and ... ... are enormous, truly beautiful! In the sun when the top of a mountain breeze blowing, or stone splashing into the water, they can splash a circle of golden red, golden yellow, and lilac ripple, exceptionally sensual. Wucaiche Although the most exquisite sea Jiuzhaigou public, but it is the most gorgeous color, and Wu Huahai par. Wucaiche abnormal clear, through the water, can see the bottom of the marbled rock surface, due to chromatic aberration as well as the bottom sediment pool of plants of different colors, the original blue color of the lake has become colorful.
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